Thursday, July 30, 2020

Video Lectures for UPSC Exam Preparation | Get Best Online Classes for UPSC | Ghaziabad IAS Academy | 9899781744

Have you ever thought, why we tend to remember every small detail portrayed in movies? The answer is simple. Our brain captures graphical information much faster than written one. That is why we are able to retain the information provided to us through videos, much more than the ones provided to us in written format. If this is so, then why not apply this simple formulae to the life of an UPSC aspirant? Why not make their lives much more simpler, efficient and goal oriented? A one stop solution to all these is Video lectures for UPSC by experts.

With changing times, the study methodologies have also changed. Otherwise, a student would perish in this highly competitive world, if he/she is not efficient in his/her preparation. And offcourse, gone are the days when a student used to devote 18-19 hours per day for cramming all the information present in all those hefty books for clearing UPSC exam. Time has come to let go off the traditional methods of studying and follow a new approach, through which firstly he/she can cover up the whole syllabus of UPSC and secondly, retain and implement the information acquired. With the rise of Online Classes for UPSC and Video lectures for IAS, one can study anywhere and anytime. Time and place will no more be a matter of concern or hurdle for an aspirant. All you need to do is utilise your leftover time in writing the answers after going through the Video Course for IAS Exam. This will boost up your selection chances, tremendously. These video lectures are not only simple and lucid but also mind captivating. If once seen, its harder to forget them.

We at Ghaziabad IAS Academy (UPSC Coaching in Ghaziabad) provide these Video Lectures for UPSC for all the subjects, through our comprehensive Pendrive Course for UPSC. This package is very cost-effective for students, without giving financial burden to them. So, why not join hands with learning platforms like us? And make your preparation much more effective. We are also available on You Tube. One can go through them, for an idea of what it feels like studying through Video Course for Civil service Exam.

There is a need of a smarter approach for cracking UPSC exam and Ghaziabad IAS Academy is believed to be the most affordable solution to it.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

How to Study Ethics for UPSC? Get Online Guidance for IAS Exam | Ghaziabad IAS Academy | 9899781744

What do you understand by the word ‘Ethics’? Is it synonymous to morality or our general attitude towards life? Well, Ethics is all about how you deal with your immediate environment with integrity, morality and your aptitude. Being a Civil Servant is a huge responsibility towards the society and the Nation. And therefore your actions can influence the working of the Nation. It is with these reasons that UPSC in 2013 incorporated ‘Ethics’ as a Mains paper. This paper therefore includes questions to test the candidates’ attitude and approach to issues relating to integrity, probity in public life, problem solving skill in various situations and handling of conflicts faced by the candidate in dealing with the society. This exam is essential to test the hidden motive of candidates and their attitude towards everything. UPSC does not want to test your scholarly knowledge in Ethics, instead it wants to evaluate your ethical competence and how much you know about Ethics. A good basic knowledge with good problem analysing and problem solving skill, is all that is required. It constitutes 250 marks.
You can definitely score 150+ in Ethics for UPSC. The Best UPSC preparation method involves having a defined Syllabus for IAS Exam, analysis of Previous year papers of General Studies -4 and sources to study. Ethics UPSC Syllabus for UPSC drives its content from subjects like Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology and Public Administration. And you need to have a good general knowledge of these and not be too technical. Syllabus includesEthics and Human Interface, Attitude, Integrity, Aptitude and foundational values for Civil Services, dedication to Public Services, Emotional Intelligence, Contributions of Moral Thinkers and Philosophers from India and World, Civil Services values and ethics in Public Administration, Probity in Governance and majorly Case Studies on all the above
This is available as UPSC syllabus pdf in downloads section of Ghaziabad IAS Academy or  on  official UPSC site. 50% of Ethics for  IAS Exam Mains consist of Case Studies only. Moreover, if we analyse the previous year papers, we can verify this. These papers are also easily available on the same sites, as mentioned earlier. If you get to appear for UPSC Mains, then do focus on Ethics properly, with major focus on Case Studies. It is easy to score in this subject. But the most important of all are the sources to study. Ethics books for UPSC includes “Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude” by G Subba Rao and PN Chaudhary and class 12th Psychology NCERT book, especially chapters 6th  & 7th.  For psychology part, just get a basic idea of the concepts and sketch out its practical applications. For philosophy part, read 20-30 most important Thinkers, their quotes and their philosophies, regularly read newspapers for getting examples of ethical issues. 
However, the maximum effort is required for Case Studies. Solve as many case studies as many you can, approximately 100-200. Remember the more you solve, the more you become better at it. And as they carry 50% weightage in Ethics for UPSC, you have to do them. For solving case studies, firstly read them at least 2-3 times, underline the main keywords and issues and then touching each aspect, write your answer. Try to solve them, being a Leader and not a Manager. Through these case studies, you need to provide most efficient, rational and morally and ethically apt solutions to the problems.

If you want all content at one place,refer to our video course of ethics which is aligned according to UPSC syllabus and will help you to assure your results and is a one stop solution for all your queries.
A clear self-concept, self-realisation, wide reading, good analysing, problem solving skill and a good grip on various social and ethical issues, can help you sail through this paper very smoothly. No rote learning can help you in this, only logical thinking and practice is required. You cannot fake it up in this paper, neither write irrelevant stories nor you can excel in it. You can only write an efficient answer in this paper. It is your temperament which UPSC solely wants to check through this UPSC Mains paper.

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Monday, July 27, 2020

How to study Art And Culture for UPSC? Get Guidance for IAS Exam | Ghaziabad IAS Academy | 9899781744

You all might have heard about and obviously seen the famous ‘Nataraja’, a statue of dancing Lord Shiva. Originally, this statue was recovered as a 10th Century bronze sculpture of The Chola Dynasty. There are such thousands of arts, paintings, architecture , music, symbols, festivals, dance forms and so many other cultural aspects, trying to rejuvenate the story of our Ancient, Medieval and Modern India. These remnants try to bring alive the heritage of our India. This art and culture for upsc by default, is embedded in the genetic makeup of Indians. And to understand India in an efficient way, one must be aware of its art, culture and heritage. This is the sole reason behind this subject as a significant component of UPSC. As a matter of fact, 26 questions have been asked between 2014-2018 UPSC Prelims. Now, you can definitely estimate the importance of this subject in Civil Services Examination.
Let us have a look on how to study Art & Culture for IAS Exam. Firstly, you should be aware of the syllabus and the trend analysis. For example, this subject had huge weightage in the past 5 years, as compared to other sub-parts of history like Ancient, Medieval and Post Independence India. Secondly, you must go through the previous year papers. These two are the essentials. After this, we need to talk about  sources. Well, there are thousands of sources, in forms of online videos such as that on Ghaziabad IAS Academy (Best Online Coaching for upsc), or written materials or YouTube videos.You can choose any of them. But be wise in your selection and choose only the best online Classes for IAS or good video lectures for UPSC. Apart from these sources, you should go through the old NCERT books of Ancient and Medieval India from Art & Culture perspective. You can also go through class 11th introduction to Fine Arts NCERT, visit the CCRT website for any detail information and may go through the NIOS material on Art & Culture. Many specialist recommend Nitin Singhania notes also. However, these are optionals. And the best method would be to go through the NCERT and video lectures only. Prepare your notes well from these sources, keeping the syllabus in mind. Apart from these sources, the most significant part is reading judiciously the ‘Art & Culture’ section of ‘the Hindu’, or any other newspaper. Current Affairs for IAS have become the core of UPSC. Several questions are asked by linking it to the current affairs. For example, in one of the recent UPSC papers, it was asked that Bani Thani painting belongs to which school of Art? The answer was Kishangarh School of Art. And  interestingly, this topic was earlier mentioned in a news article. So, current affairs are of utmost significance. Never miss them. Moreover, if we decode the syllabus, then we might come to an inference that the Mains syllabus of Indian Heritage and Culture talks about Art forms, Literature and Architecture from Ancient to Modern Times. Basically, Art forms are of three types, Visual Arts like Architecture, Paintings, sculptures ,Performing Arts like Dance, Music, Puppetry and Literary Arts  like Vedic, Sanskrit, Sangam literatures. The Visual Arts include Paintings, which consist of murals, miniature etc., Architecture includes The Harappan /Indus Valley, The Buddhist, Temples, Indo-Islamic, The Mughal architecture and Modern Architectures etc. Taking this as an example, we can decode the whole syllabus of Art & Culture, and make it much easier to study. This decoding procedure can be done with ease by going through previous year papers thoroughly. This analysis would save your time. And provide a focused direction to your preparation. Gather your information from all the sources, and sum up into one. Try to co-relate all the topics studied from all the sources.
If you want all content at one place,Go for Ghaziabad IAS Academy video courses for UPSC and study hassle free.
Nothing is impossible in this world. So is cracking UPSC. Only systematic, organised, smart and consistent study can sail you through this toughest examination. Keep your eyes and mind open, from next time you visit any historical monument, or see any piece of art. Until and unless you are aware of your surroundings, you cannot  clear this exam just by rote learning. Wishing you good luck for future!

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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Dilemma between IAS/ IPS/ IFS | Get Best Guidance for UPSC | Ghaziabad IAS Academy | 9899781744

“Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” - Mark Twain
To understand in what field one love working and to avoid the dilemma, differences between what actually are the works of an IAS/IPS/IFS Officers must be known.

The dilemma to choose the different paths in life may have occurred many times and if not then that is a moderately salutary thing. But in this case, a peripheral mistake can overload anyone with the depression in the later stage.
However, what is the difference between them?

IAS( Indian Administrative Service) is the executive branch of the Indian Government. Officers here participate in policy formulation, policy implementation, policy evaluation.
IPS(Indian Police Service) is IPS is mainly related to Police services, is centrally appointed to Police services, which is a state affair.

Basically, IPS are who protects the laws maintained by an IAS.
Whereas IFS(Indian Foreign Services) is where you work as a diplomat in different countries, handle work of our country internationally.
To have a more clear picture about the above three mentioned, one must know the similarities as well as dissimilarities and to also avoid the dilemma.
Most impressive and general about them is anyone with an undergraduate degree and a minimum age of 21 can appear for the paper. 
After you crack the prestigious paper, on the basis of the ranks you are provided with the post.
An IAS is a lawmaker and an IPS is the law enforcer. and an IFS is an entirely different field. Many of us misunderstand IFS as Foreign service but it is not while Foreign service is one of the 28 civil services posts in India in which you'll be recruited to take up jobs in any country that India has its interests.
Moreover, to compete with the dilemma, the structures of the three should be kept in mind. And by the structure, here it means each and every briefing about any particular post.

First Of All IAS i.e INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES has been considered as the highest administrative post, hierarchically on the above of IPS as well as IFS.
Importantly, if any officer selected into the IAS can be employed by Union government, State governments and/or public-sector undertakings and gets exposure in numerous job roles like the collector, head of public sector units, commissioner, chief secretary, cabinet secretary. Likely, When on deputation outside India, the IAS officer can be engaged in inter-governmental organizations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB), the United Nations (UN). However, The role of IAS officers is very venerable, demands a great deal of responsibility and reverence and for that, you need to be mentally as well as physically fit to take up the work pressure and serve as an asset to the nation.

Similarly, IPS (INDIAN POLICE SERVICES) stands for its Individual importance for the state and the prime duty of an IPS officer is to maintain peace in the state. The IPS gives more importance to law and order, which, at the district level, is a collective responsibility of IPS and IAS officers; detecting and preventing any sort of crime.
Most Importantly , Their main role is to lead and commanding the Indian Intelligence Agencies like Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW), Intelligence Bureau (IB), Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Criminal Investigation Department (CID) etc., Indian Federal Law Enforcement Agencies, Civil and Armed Police Forces in all the states and union territories Branches in IPS. In order to fulfill these functions efficiently, responsibly and systematically, the IPS service is divided into various functional departments such as Crime Branch, Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Home Guards, Traffic Bureau, etc.
Unlikely as an IAS there are no criteria for fitness, but IPS does and that includes:
  • Minimum Height - Men - 165cm Women - 150cm Relaxable minimum height is 160cm (men) and 145cm (women) for candidates
  • Minimum Chest Girth - Men/Women: 84cm 79cm Myopia (including cylinder) should not exceed minus 4.00D Hypermyopia  (including cylinder) should not exceed plus 4.00D
  • The presence of Squint is a disqualification
  • Spectacles are permitted Distant vision for the better eye(Corrected Vision) should be 6/6 or 6/9, Distant vision for the worse eye(Uncorrected Vision) should be 6/12 or 6/9, Near vision should be J1 and J2 respectively High-grade color vision is required and Binocular vision is needed.
Apart from Physical fitness, An IPS need to work with full mental dedication.
Now an entirely diverse role is played by an IFS(INDIAN FOREIGN SERVICE) officer. This category demands educational qualification with good decision making as well as communication skills, Excellent knowledge about foreign nations and current affairs.

An IFS officer deal with diplomacy, trade and cultural relations of the country. Responsibilities include Representing India in its embassies, high commissions, consulates, and multilateral organizations. Protecting India’s national interests in the country where the officer is posted. Also Improving and promoting friendship between India and the country that the officer is posted in. The role of an IFS officer is a very promising and a challenging one. To represent India on international forums and platforms and in the countries they are appointed, An IFS officer is thus a very important thread for India who plays the vital role in shaping Indian foreign policy and building all diplomatic and economic ties with countries.To handle and manage all diplomatic relations between India and of the country they are appointed.

All of these three have individual value and to fall in any one of the category ones needs to be diligent as well as truthful towards the work. Once any of the keywords of success is implemented in life, one can combat any sort of dilemma, required the complete information as well.

The above-mentioned post definitely puts any in the situation of what to go with, but in my opinion, one should make sure the criteria demanded by each is fulfilled or not. And keep a check if suitable for the working pattern. If any of them is cleared, half of the job is done. And next to the only step is to justify the post with the amount of effort made.

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Thursday, July 23, 2020

Get best Guidance for UPSC | Best Online Coaching for IAS Exam | Ghaziabad IAS Academy | 9899781744

You can prepare for UPSC without any coaching centre. You can have self study as suggested by toppers and take help of Video lectures to get clarity on various subjects. If you do not know that whether you are on right track or not,you you need guide/mentor that can guide you the right path because UPSC is a long term and toughest exam. Ghaziabad IAS Academy offers Online Live Classes for UPSC  and Guidance programme  for IAS Exam.
Your guide will help you at every step and will motivate you and meanwhile will suggest you for areas in what you are lacking and in what you are doing well to strengthen up more.
If you don’t want to go for coaching centre and don’t want to waste your time in travelling so you are suggested to go for online classes or opt for guidance  Programme for UPSC which is very convenient and cost effective.

Key Features

• Expert Faculties from Delhi

• Integrated Pre – cum – Mains

• Regular Tests

• Quality Study Materials & Classroom Notes

• Prelims Guidance 

• Mains Guidance 

• Essay & Answer Writing Guidance

• Current Affairs Analysis

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Cracking UPSC in parallel to a job ! HOW IS IT POSSIBLE? Get Online Guidance for IAS Exam | Ghaziabad IAS Academy | 9899781744

According to Tim Ferris’s book “The Four Hour Work Week”, the 80/20 principle is a ‘must follow.’ It states that we get 80 percent of the work done in 20 percent of the time, the rest is usually wasted.
This statement makes it very clear that a person in job preparing for UPSC may not be able to devote much time, but with quality content, Possibilities are raised.
Keeping in mind the paucity of time, the only thing required is a good strategy and dedication.
Working individuals do not have the luxury of dedicating 10-15 hours daily for civil services preparation. But this is no criteria for preparation. Quality of preparation matters, not quantity. The syllabus is hefty and can be compared to an ocean. One does not need to master the entire syllabus instead need to master the ‘MUST IMPORTANT’ topics.
However, knowledge of both prelims and mains syllabus must be with an individual thoroughly. In fact, a written documented syllabus must be kept near the study area. Also, it does not demand leniency by giving a thought of mains coming after prelims. On the contrary, it needs to be mastered along with the preliminary exam so that enough time for revision is left after one appeared for prelims.
Building a strong foundation by clearing all the basics first is required.  Moving on to the next level by relating topics across subjects with practical value. Also, by relating topics with the contemporary world. UPSC does not test the knowledge of facts only but It does by posing indirect and intelligently designed questions.
Importantly, time utilization is a must. Solving the purpose:
Traveling time must be planned for reading newspaper or self-made e-notes.
Avoiding a tensed zone while working, rather than working patiently after work hours to study.
For current affairs, regular newspaper reading and editorials will suffice.
Make a Time table: To avoid maximum wastage of time, a timetable can be made to follow. One can make use of extra time like when relaxing in office in free time then at that time study something about UPSC exams. In a lunch break, time can be utilized by finishing lunch early and can study at that time. Manage the time according to schedule. If reaching home early, then study for your examination. Time management plays an important role in every field.
Utilize Weekends:  As we hear the word Weekend the first thing came to our mind is sleeping, relaxing, enjoying etc. But this is the correct time for the preparation. On weekends, study as well as relax also. A whole day is there for preparation. make a timetable for weekends. Also, one can easily give 6-8 hours for IAS Exam preparation on weekends. So, utilize the weekends properly now and then enjoy it after clearing the Civil service exams.
Prioritize Work: In order to achieve higher success in your life, you always have to identify what work is important and when. For UPSC preparation, prioritize the daily work. Likely, complete the work early and then study for the examination.  give a priority to each and every work in order to remove the wastage of time. It will help to eliminate unnecessary work and make ready for the preparation.
Utilize Technology:  Now we all are living in a world where we get anything with just one click. So, utilize the technology correctly. For example, do not waste precious time on social media by seeing unnecessary advertisements or posts etc. Rather than join a group of general knowledge, IAS Exam preparation, news etc. that will give the information about the latest technology or news which will further help one for preparation. One such Portal Provide Online Coaching  the name of  Ghaziabad IAS Academy which will save your time and make you study hassle free.
Be Dedicated & Motivated:  Dedication plays an important role for any individual. If you are dedicated to what you are doing then you will be motivated and keep doing it. If you are not dedicated or lazy then you will get bored in some time and leave the Work. so, to complete your work you have to be motivated and dedicated. You can motivate yourself by watching some motivational videos Lectures for IAS or Live Classes for UPSC which will push you to make some extra efforts. Push Yourself: If you want to shine as an individual then you have to push yourself from a common person to a bright person. Do not live in your comfort zone, always try to utilize new things, always ready to learn. Do not complain about anything if they can do it, then you can also do it just make some extra efforts.
Measure Growth:  You have to measure your growth in order to get high success. You can measure your growth through tests. You can measure your growth by seeing some positive changes in you over time. You can prepare yourself to grow by giving some test, by reading or updating yourself about the latest news and technology daily. If you are working and preparing simultaneously then you have to make sure that you are growing.
The key is to switch off from the aspirant mode when in office and to switch off the employee mode as soon as you exit the office. Also identifying the strengths i.e. which subject can be studied easily, which one takes some time and divide the time accordingly and Prepare well.  Lastly, whether it is a job or any circumstance in life, one can achieve the dream by taking it as a challenge in a healthy way. And the Universal truth is “to gain success, make an extra effort”.

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